Solar Orbiter Level 3 data
Product description
Ion (60-5700 keV) and electron (40-450 keV) intensities with 1-minute cadence measured by all 4 EPT telescopes. Also includes:
- Correction for ion contamination in electron data (original and corrected intensities are included).
- Pitch angles with respect to the average magnetic field (using Solar Orbiter MAG data).
Consist of daily CDF files containing the following data variables:
- Ion_Flux_{S,A,N,D}: Ion intensities in 31 energy bins for each field of view (S: sun, A: anti-sun, N: north, D: south). Mostly protons, but other ion species may also be present.
- Electron_Flux_{S,A,N,D}: Electron intensities in 16 energy bins for each field of view. May be affected by contamination from protons around 500 keV.
- Electron_Corrected_Flux_{S,A,N,D}: Electron intensities in 16 energy bins for each field of view corrected from ion contamination.
- Pitch_Angle_{S,A,N,D}: Pitch angles of the 4 fields of view with respect to the average magnetic field.
The CDF also contains statistical uncertainties for all the data variables along with ancillary data regarding the spacecraft orbital position and orientation.
Ion (60-5700 keV) and electron (40-450 keV) intensities with 1-hour cadence measured by all 4 EPT telescopes. Also includes a correction for ion contamination in electron data (original and corrected intensities are included).
Consist of monthly CDF files containing the following data variables:
- Ion_Flux_{S,A,N,D}: Ion intensities in 31 energy bins for each field of view (S: sun, A: anti-sun, N: north, D: south). Mostly protons, but other ion species may also be present.
- Electron_Flux_{S,A,N,D}: Electron intensities in 16 energy bins for each field of view. May be affected by contamination from protons around 500 keV.
- Electron_Corrected_Flux_{S,A,N,D}: Electron intensities in 16 energy bins for each field of view corrected from ion contamination.
The CDF also contains statistical uncertainties for all the data variables along with ancillary data regarding the spacecraft orbital position.
Ion (60-5700 keV) and electron (40-450 keV) intensities with 1-day cadence measured by all 4 EPT telescopes. Also includes a correction for ion contamination in electron data (original and corrected intensities are included).
Consist of yearly CDF files containing the following data variables:
- Ion_Flux_{S,A,N,D}: Ion intensities in 31 energy bins for each field of view (S: sun, A: anti-sun, N: north, D: south). Mostly protons, but other ion species may also be present.
- Electron_Flux_{S,A,N,D}: Electron intensities in 16 energy bins for each field of view. May be affected by contamination from protons around 500 keV.
- Electron_Corrected_Flux_{S,A,N,D}: Electron intensities in 16 energy bins for each field of view corrected from ion contamination.
The CDF also contains statistical uncertainties for all the data variables along with ancillary data regarding the spacecraft orbital position.
Plots of the electron pitch angle distribution using data from EPT and STEP in the energy range from 35 to 55 keV. The pitch angle is calculated with respect to the average magnetic field during the integration period. Time resolution is 1 minute.
Includes 3 panels, from top to bottom:
- Time-series plot of the electron intensity (corrected from ion contamination) for all four EPT telescopes (sun, anti-sun, north, south).
- Electron intensity vs pitch angle combining STEP and EPT. Data from STEP is included only for periods with high enough electron flux (indicated by a horizontal bar below the panel). An empirical cross-calibration factor (1/1.25) between STEP and EPT is applied to STEP data.
- Pitch angle coverage for all four EPT telescopes.
Plots of the proton pitch angle distribution using data from HET in the energy range from 15 to 25 MeV. The pitch angle is calculated with respect to the average magnetic field during the integration period. Time resolution is 1 minute.
Includes 3 panels, from top to bottom:
- Time-series plot of the proton intensity for all four HET telescopes (sun, anti-sun, north, south).
- Proton intensity vs pitch angle.
- Pitch angle coverage for all four HET telescopes.
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